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Inhabiting residents of Bhaktiyog
Buildings in Mumbai are soaring up new heights .As new floors gets added up, somewhere the quality of space gets compromised , Each floor becomes a stamp that gets stacked up and there is no play in ths space . Thus the main question that i was working with was how do you retain the social life as the floors get added up.

The main idea was to retain the social characteristics of the existing building and bringing out the same experience in the new form. The current built-form affords interaction, chance encounters and has a sense of the neighbourhood within . Thus to retain this the stgratergies were to use common balconies, verandahs etc. Each unit has their own verandah and these units the come together to form a social space in between . As floors get added up , these configurations start changing to form double height spaces etc. Thus the social space on each floor starts changing .
Old couple
widow/ widower
Student Rental Housing
widow/ widower
Nuclear family
Nuclear family


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